Frank Seeley was almost instantly killed in a collision of two autos about a mile west of Holstein last Saturday night about 9:30 p.m. In company with Arnold Hansen, Jess Westphal and John King, he was en route to Holstein in a car owned by F.H. Anderson and driven at the time by Cy Hanneman. Within a mile of Holstein, they met a car containing Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bagenstos and their two children who were returning from Holstein. Hanneman was driving as near the south side of the road and to his right as possible. The Bagenstos car was also coming on the south side of the road and persistently held to this course until within twenty-five feet of the other car. By this time Hanneman had given up hope that the other car would turn out so he swung his car to the left. At the same instant the other car was also turned and the collision occurred. Frank Seeley, who was riding in the middle of the back seat, was thrown clear over the front seat of the car, landing in the front seat of the Bagenstos car in such a manner that the iron support of the top pierced his temple, causing instant death. Hanneman was thrown violently against the steering wheel, receiving extensive bruises, also a large gash on the side of the head which required several stitches to close. Arnold Hansen was rendered unconscious by a heavy impact received under the right ear but no permanent injury resulted. King and Westphal escaped without serious injury. The occupants of the other car were of course shaken up and bruised by the force of the collision, but so far no serious symptoms have developed. The victims were all taken at once to the hospital at Holstein, the body of Frank Seeley being later brought here. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the M.E. church here, in charge of Rev. M.E. Spahr, and interment was made in the Correctionville Cemetery. James Franklin Seeley, son of Horace and Martha Seeley, was born in Jones Co., Iowa, April 28, 1883. He was united in marriage with Miss Jennie May King April 5, 1906. To this union were born three children: Oscar Franklin aged 7, Albert James aged 6, and Martha May aged 3. He was of a family of seven children, three brothers, Charlie, Albert and Wilbur, and three sisters, Ida May Higley of Bronson, Josephine Bryson of Pisgah, Iowa, and Mrs. Jennie Stebbins of Correctionville. He joined the Woodmen Lodge when eighteen years of age and has been a member ever since. He departed this life October 24, 1914, aged 30 years, 5 months and 26 days. He was buried in the Correctionville Cemetery.
Published in The Correctionville News, October 29, 1914, page 1
[Grandson of SGS # 2661 - James Franklin, Horace J.; Horace Gibbs (#2661); Jeduthan/Juduthen (# 975); Ebenezer, David; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]