Funeral services for Fred Seeley were conducted by Rev Evan Routh Sunday afternoon at the Church of Christ and the following obituary was read:
Fred Brice Seeley, son of Austin and Jane Seeley was born at Erie, Pa, Sept 7, 1859, and died Nov 1, 1944, age 85 years, 1 month and 24 days.
When 9 years of age he left Erie with his parents for Greenleaf, Kans. When he was 16, he left Greenleaf on horseback for Harrison county, Iowa, where he spent the rest of his life. He was married Dec 21, 1883, to Mary Cox, daughter of Ike Cox of Woodbine. To this union seven children were born; four dying in infancy. Living are Mrs. Gertie Mahoney, Hulett, Wyoming; Mrs. Jennie Ingraham, Portland, Ore; Guy Seeley, Richmond, Calif. His first wife died in June 1898.
On December 21, 1899, Mr. Seeley was united in marriage to Mrs. Emma Landingham. To this union four children were born; Opal Seeley who died in infancy; Worth D Seeley of East Hartford, Conn; Ruth Seeley Braun, Appleton, Wis and Kenneth Seeley, deceased.
Mr. Seeley spent most of his life in Harrison county and was a prosperous farmer and stock feeder. He was known for his honesty in his dealings with his fellowmen and always held out a helping hand for others. He united with the Church of Christ in September 1909, under the ministry of BF Hall. He served his church as a deacon and as a trustee, and was faithful as long as was able to attend.
He was a member of the IOOF lodge for 35 years.
For some 25 years he had spent summers at Lake Okoboji, fishing and hunting, thus enjoying his declining years.
Besides his wife and the children mentioned in the forgoing he is survived by 18 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren and the following step-children; Mrs. Charles McMains, Moorhead; and Mrs. Sadie McKenney, Omaha.
Music for the service was furnished by CF DeLance, EA Rosenberger, Mrs. Herbert Purcell and Mrs. LL Smith. Their accompanist was Mrs. CF DeLance. Bearers were SR DeCou, FW Elston, EA Maxwell, George Roundy, CE Erlewine and Ora McElwain. Burial was made in the Woodbine cemetery.
Published in the Woodbine Twiner, November 9, 1944
[Son of SGS # 2158 - Fred Brice; Austin Jr. (# 2158); Austin (# 756); David; Austin; Nehemiah; Robert; Nathaniel; Robert]