Fredrick Melvin Seeley Born in Rockwood, TN June 24, 1930. Passed away Apple Valley, CA January 17, 2012 What can one say about Fred? Kind and compassionate: Fred was always in tune to others, feeling sympathy for others in assorted ways and always willing to help. Hard working: Friends were amazed when at 78, over the summer, he cut down a tree he planted next to his home almost 50 years prior. Fred cut the tree up, then dug a three foot deep area ten feet around the root ball, then only accepting help to have the root ball winched out of the hole. Care taker of his fellow man: After his death it was discovered that he was still caring for several "older" people here in the High Desert. No longer driving, he would shop for their groceries, carrying the food to them in his small backpack, checking on them when they were ill and taking out their trash for pick up. Intellectual: Fred missed his calling as a lawyer. He would research case law, our founding father's and others meetings on amendments to the Bill of Rights and spend hours writing opinions about the decisions made. Fred had a passion for education: Although he wanted to change his trust to include VVC and local service clubs education support programs, he passed two weeks prior to his attorney appointment to make the changes. But we can take heart with the fact that he was spending several hundreds of thousands of dollars to educate several High Desert young people: He never spent very much on himself, preferring to help educate others. Fred requested that there be no service or funeral and I have obeyed his request: Our memories of Fred are ours to keep but I so wish that I could tell more about what Fred has done in life for so many, and in death, for so many many more; but that would break a trust that he and I had, and I can't do that. Suffice to say what he has done, is nothing compared to what he planned for his estate to do. For several years, each weekday morning around sunrise, there is a group of Fred's friends that meet at McDonalds on Highway 18 to have coffee; feel free to come visit and speak of Fred. OUR FRIEND FRED I was backing out of my drive the other day and I saw Fred in my rear view mirror I honked and waved and went on my way. I had no idea he would never again be nearer I will miss him At first glance one would have not seen Fred as Someone who was so purposely unique. He was so much more than a coffee buddy we had with us five days a week. Fred had a vast and envious intellect that often Surprised and delighted us when he spoke. But never, never provoke. We will miss him We will ask what would our sage Fred have to say We will know whatever his answer would be It would come to us in a quiet convincing way. We will miss him I will miss him Fred was always willing to help his friends and neighbors. Most of us knew nothing of his humble and charitable labors. He walked many miles on so many a days To help bring groceries to neighbors that Had no other way. When it was needed he'd spend his cash. Hell! He even took the time to take out their trash. They will miss him. We will miss him I will miss him Some young people will gain an education provided by this kind and generous guy named Fred Because of him, they will gain a wonderful opportunity to prosper and move a head. They too will miss him. We will miss him I will miss him His physical frailty masked a man of great inner strength and intelligence. He was a lifelong student of US history and his knowledge of the constitution was his emphasis We will miss him I will miss him I'm certain that Fred did many kind things and the many that benefited will be the only ones that know. Fred wasn't one to brag about the things he did for others he just wasn't one to sit around and crow. I believe Fred is now heading for coffee and A well deserved rest. It's a place I believe he will enjoy. It's named Heaven's Best. But we will miss him. Lee
Published in the Daily Press on March 10, 2012