George Barker Seeley


George Seeley Dies

HONEDALE, N.J. (AP) – George Barker Seeley, public relations director for the Monmouth Park Jockey Club since 1954, died at his home Thursday night of a heart attack. He was 67.

Seeley, a past president of the Turf Publicists of America, was the first field secretary of the New Jersey Thoroughbred Breeders Association before joining Monmouth Park. He also was a member of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association.

Burn in Summit, N.J., Seeley graduated from Choate School and Princeton.

Survivors include his widow, Madeleine; a son, George Jr., and a daughter.

Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m., EST, at St. George’s By the River Church in Rumsen, N.J.

Published in the Hutchinson News (Hutchinson, Kansas), Saturday January 23, 1971, page 10