Harvey L. Seeley

Former Harris Resident Dies At Fairmont N.D.

Harvey L. Seeley, son of Mrs. John L. Seeley of Fairmont, N.D., and former resident of Round Lake, and later of Harris, died Sunday, Feb. 9, at the state hospital at Jamestown, N.D. during an illness with bronchial pneumonia. He was 21 years, one month and 10 days of age. His father John L. Seeley, died about two years ago.

The body was shipped from Jamestown last Thursday and arrived here Sunday afternoon. Funeral services were held at 10 o’clock Monday morning at the Christian Funeral Home, Rev. Ralston of the Harris M.E. church officiating. Interment was in Silver Lake cemetery.

Published in The Lake Park News on February 20, 1936

Harvey Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Seeley, formerly of Harris, of the Harris Mercantile Co., passed away at Jamestown, N.D., Sunday morning, Feb. 9 of pneumonia. He was a nephew of Pat and John Mahr. The services were attended by his mother, and his brother Paul Seeley and wife of Harris and the pall bearers. The maintainer opened the road to the cemetery so they could take the body there in a sled, when they returned the roads were almost impassable again. Burial was in Silver Lake Cemetery.

Published in the Spirit Lake Beacon February 27, 1936 page 2