Long Illness Ended by Death at an Early Hour Today.
Horace D. Seeley, street commissioner, of the city of Lawrence, died this morning at his home at 1725 Vermont street, after a long illness. Mr. Seeley has been very ill for a number of weeks, and while there has been improvement at times, he grew weaker and weaker until the end came.
Mr. Seeley was born at Amherst Ohio, on May 15, 1852, and was consequently 55 years, 9 months and 13 days old at the time of his death. He came to Kansas in 1885, settling in Douglas county about six miles from town. Shortly afterwards he removed to Lawrence, where he has since lived, and took up the business of contraction and builder, which he has successfully followed until three years ago, when he was appointed street commissioner by J.A. Keller then mayor. He served so satisfactorily during that administration, that he was continued in office by Mayor Barker, and his record is one of the best ever made in that position, so difficult to ill in a city of this size.
Mr. Seeley is survived by his widow, one son and two daughters.
The funeral will be held from the home on Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The services at the house will be conducted by the Rev. M.E. Nethercut, pastor of the First Methodist church, and at the grace by the A.O.U.W. will have charge. I.O.O.F., No. 4, of which Mr. Seeley is also a member, will probably attend as an organization.
Published in The Jeffersonian Gazette (Lawrence, Kansas) Wednesday, March 4, 1908
[Son of SGS # 2845 – Horace David; Walter (# 2845); Eli Lewis (# 1133); Eli; David; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]