Mrs. Mortimer Seeley
Mrs. Leo Seeley, 80, a resident of Nedra’s Rest Home, 150 N. 9th, died in St. Johns’s Hospital at 8:35 am Monday. She had been a patient there since Aug. 16.
Mrs. Seeley was born in Independence, Kas., June 7, 1879, and had lived in Salina since 1937. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Surviving is the widower, Mortimer.
The Rush Smith Funeral Home will announce funeral arrangements.
Published in the Salina Journal, (Salina, KS) Monday October 5, 1959, page 2

Mrs. Leo Seeley
The funeral for Mrs. Leo Seeley, 80, 150 N. 9th, who died Oct. 5 in St. John’s Hospital, will be Thursday at 2 pm at the Rush Smith Funeral Home, the rev. Harold freeman officiating. Burial will be in Gypsum Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Seely had been in failing health for some time.
Friends may call at the funeral home.
Published in the Salina Journal, October 7, 1959 page 2
[Wife of Grandson of SGS # 4168 - Mortimer Leon; Lester A.; Adam(# 4168); Erastus (#1901); Nathan; Sylvanus; Eliphalet; Jonas; Obadiah]