L. P. Seeley Died Suddenly at His Pittsburgh Home Yesterday
Was a Prominent Business Man
In Reynoldsville for Many Years.
Mr. Seeley Was a Partner In the First Bank Established In Reynoldsville and Still Had Large Interests Here

The news of the death of L.P. Seeley of Pittsburgh, who died suddenly at 5:00 p.m. yesterday, November 10, 1908, in Pittsburgh, was a great shock to his relatives and friends in Reynoldsville. The announcement of his death was like a clap of thunder out of a clear sky. He had been ill several weeks ago with rheumatism in left shoulder and side, but had recovered sufficiently to look after his business again.
The older citizens of Reynoldsville and vicinity were well acquainted with Mr. Seeley, as he had been engaged in the mercantile business in this place about twenty years.
Leonard P. Seeley was born in Warren Co., Pa., sixty-three years ago. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Seeley, moved to this vicinity in 1862. After spending a couple years here L.P. went to Corry, Pa., and clerked in a dry goods store five or six years. He returned to Reynoldsville and in 1870 he and C.H. Gordon became partners in the mercantile business of East Main street, which partnership continued several years and then they dissolved. Mr. Seeley opened a store in a frame building down town which was destroyed in the big fire in 1875. After that fire he erected the brick building now occupied by W.H. Bell and Adam Shoe Co., and with an archway between the two rooms Mr. Seeley had one of the largest stores in the county at that time.
Mr. Seeley was a member of the Seeley, Alexander & Co. bank which did business in our town for a number of years and was converted into The Peoples National bank almost four years ago. Mr. Seeley was a director and large stockholder in this bank at time of death.
About nineteen years ago Mr. Seeley moved to Pittsburgh and opened a hat store under the firm name of Seeley & Leard. He was a successful business man and leaves a large estate.
Mr. Seeley had a large number of warm friends in our town and was held in high esteem by all his acquaintances.
Deceased is survived by his wife, one son and three daughters, also three brothers and two sisters, E.D. Seeley and Mrs. Esther Smith of Reynoldsville, Loe L. and Charles E. Seeley of Spivey, Kan., and Mrs. Addie Van Shoick of Pittsburgh.
Funeral Thursday afternoon. Interment in Pittsburgh Cemetery.
Published in The Star (Reynoldsville, PA), November 11, 1908 front page
[Son of SGS # 2736 – Leonard Perrin; William Grey (# 2736); Loren (#1085); Benjamin; Benjamin; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]