M.D. Seeley, for many years proprietor of the Lake House on West Ludington Avenue died Sunday night. He had been suffering for the past three weeks from congestion of the lungs which finally went to the stomach and bowels causing death. The funeral occurred from the Presbyterian church this morning at 10 o’clock, the Masons of which order the deceased was a member, attending in a body.
Mr. Seeley was born in Kentucky Nov. 4, 1882 and at the age of 14 moved to Genesee Co. Mich where he was married in 1852. He helped organize the republican party in Michigan in 18XX (illegible) and was elected county clerk of Genesee Co. on the first ticket in that field. In 1873 he moved to this city where he has lived ever since. During his residency here he has successfully held the office of Circuit Court Commission, Probate Judge, and Director of the poor at different times. Previous to the time when his last illness overcame him, he was remarkably active and robust for one of his years.
A widow, Mrs. Loretta Seeley, and his only son, D.P. Seeley besides several grand children survive him. His son came from Duluth to attend the funeral.
Published in the Ludington paper on January 5, 1904
[Son of SGS# 1975 –Mark D.; Stephen J. (# 1975); Stephen; Hezekiah; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]