Died at Green Valley
Green Valley, March 14 – Special – Mrs. John Seeley, who died here last Saturday as a result of a stroke of apoplexy was one of the oldest and most esteemed women of the community. Her maiden name was Mary Morford McGalliard, she being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McGalliard. She was born at Middleburg, Summit county, Ohio, on Nov. 19, 1826. Her age at the time of her death was 72 years, 3 months and 20 days.
Her parents, three sisters and four brothers preceded her to their home in heaven, leaving one sister, Mrs. Frank Brown, on Manito, and one brother, Mr. Ancil McGalliard, of Oregon, and her husband to mourn her death. She was married to Mr. John Seeley near Green Valley, Feb. 28, 1856, their home being here since.
Two years were spent in Delavan, and six years ago they moved to their present home in Green Valley. No children were born to them, but they were blest, for a few short years with their adopted daughter Susie, who was call home seven years ago.
Mrs. Seeley in her early life became a member of the Christian church and while she never united with any other church, she has always held to her early faith and lived an upright, Christian life, ever loving, patient, loyal and faithful, her greatest happiness consisting in making her friends happy.
Published in The Pantagraph (Bloomington, Illinois), Wednesday, March 15, 1899