Mrs. Ray Forbes, music teacher here, was called to Topeka, Kan., by the death of her mother, Mrs. James A. Seeley, 70, Nov. 26. Mrs. Seeley leaves her husband, who is an official on the Santa Fe Railroad, the daughter, Mrs. Forbes and one son, Don, who is in Sumatra with an oil company.
Published in the Spirit Lake Beacon, December 6, 1951 page 12
Mrs. Maud E. Seeley Dies of Heart Attack.
Mrs. Maud Elkington Seeley, 64, wife of J.A. Seeley, chief clerk to the general manager of the Santa Fe Railroad Co., died unexpectedly Monday morning from a heart attack at her home, 719 Topeka.
Mrs. Seeley was born July 31, 1887 in Baraboo, Wis., and first made her home in Topeka from 1917 until 1924 when her husband was transferred to Kansas City. They returned to Topeka in 1947.
She was a member of Grace Cathedral Woman's Club, Tuesday Study Club, and the Toltec Rite.
Besides her husband, she is survived by a son, Donn E. Seeley, Palmbang, Indonesia; a daughter, Mrs. Anna Forbes, Lake Park, Iowa.; four sisters, Mrs. Mabel Slater, Sault St. Marie, Mich., Miss Martha Elkington, Marceline, Mo., Mrs. Marianne Seeley, St. Petersburg, Fla., and Mrs. Alice Church, Baraboo, Wis.; and a brother, A.C. Elkington, Detroit, Mich.
The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Grace Cathedral with burial in Baraboo, Wis. The family requests that no flowers be sent, but contributions may be made to the Jackson Heart Clinic at Madison, Wis
Published in The Topeka Daily Capital, Tuesday, November 27, 1951