Mrs. Lee Seeley, who went to the Hepburn hospital several weeks ago for treatment, returned to her home in this village about a week ago. Her condition for the better remained unchanged and she quietly passed away at her home Friday night at 6:00. The funeral was held from her late home Monday afternoon at 1, Rev. W.F. Clark officiating. She is survived by her husband and seven little children, the eldest being about ten years old, and the youngest about two; her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Townsend, of Rensselaer Falls; one sister, Mrs. Cummins, and one brother Carl, who reside with the parents; a sister, Miss Margaret Townsend, who is a trained nurse and who cared for her after her here until after her death. It is a very sad case when a mother still in her twenties is taken from her little ones who so need the loving care of a mother. Mrs. Seeley made her home with her aunt, Mrs. John Reed, during her childhood. Her aunt survives her. Our sympathy is extended the bereaved family. All was done that could be done to try and save her like but it seemed all efforts were unavailing.
Published in the Gouverneur Free Press, Wednesday, October 13, 1926