Pennello A. Seeley

P.A. Seeley, Octogenarian, Died Wednesday Morning.

Cohocton. May 13—The death of Pennello A. Seeley occurred last Wednesday morning at his home for many years on Rosencrans street in this village and following a decline of a few weeks due largely to the infirmities of his advanced age of nearly 85 years.

Mr. Seeley was born in 1845 and was one of the very few remaining soldiers of the Civil war of 1861-5. His enlistment was in the 141st Regiment N. Y. State Infantry and was one to take part in the march of General W. T. Sherman to the sea which practically divided the Confederacy. He conducted a blacksmith business in this village for many years and was a skilled worker in iron. For several years he served: as Street and Water Commissioner of this village and his immediate survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Charles W. Godfrey and Mrs. James Cavanaugh and their husbands, and a grandson, Harry Godfrey, a teacher in a high school at Youngstown, Niagara County. A son, Frank Seeley, also a blacksmith of Wayland, this village, died a few years ago, leaving a family, and many other relatives survive his death. H e was for many years a member of the Cohocton Methodist Episcopal church, and the pastor Rev. Frees Hess, assisted by Rev. H. A. Slingerland, conducted funeral services at his late home Friday afternoon, with burial in Maple View cemetery by the side of his wife for more than half a century whose death occurred in 1917.

Published in The Steuben Courier, Barth, New York, Friday .. cutoff