Mrs. W.R. Seeley Expires While Sitting in her Chair – Heart Disease the Cause
Mrs. W.R. Seeley expired Monday afternoon at 3:30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A.G. Kellogg. Since the death of her husband five months ago the relatives of the deceased had noticed a decline. She had been afflicted with heart troubles for several years, but it was not supposed that her condition was so serious. About three weeks ago, Mrs. Seeley returned From Alden, where she had been staying at the old farm home. She was not compelled to take to her bed and when death claimed her she sat in a rocking chair talking to her daughter, who was doing some sewing. Apparently she was no worse that she had been before. In glancing up from her work Mrs. Kellogg saw that a sudden change had come over her mother, who passed into the great beyond in a few seconds. By her death three sons, C.A., of this city, W.H. and E.E. of Alden, and one daughter, Mrs. Kellogg, of this city – are left in the shadow of a great sorrow. Mrs. Seeley was a woman highly beloved by all, and her death will be sadly mourned by her acquaintances. Her age was sixty-seven. Brief services were held at the Kellogg home Wednesday morning at 7 o’clock, and the remains were taken to Alden on the 8:30 train where burial took place at 10 o’clock.
Published in the Webster City Tribune, June 29, 1900 page 4