Tom Seeley Dies in Ann Arbor
Tom Seeley of Breckenridge, died Sunday at University hospital in Ann Arbor after an illness of several weeks.
He leaves a daughter and two sons; five brothers, Roy of Idaho, Fred of Saginaw, Gus of Greenville, Bart of Breckenridge and Martin of Ludington; three sisters, Mrs. Perry Petit of Breckenridge, Mrs. Frank Roberts of Mt. Pleasant and Mrs. Maude Williams of Detroit.
Funeral Services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Breckenridge.
Published in the Ludington Daily News, January 27, 1953 page 3

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seeley of 503 Fourth street plan to leave Thursday for Breckenridge to attend funeral services Thursday afternoon for Mr. Seeley’s brother Tom Seeley, who died Sunday and University hospital in Ann Arbor. The body will be at Chisholm & Moore chapel in Breckenridge until time of services. Burial will be in Lafayette cemetery, Breckenridge.
Published in the Ludington Daily News, January 28, 1953 page 3
[Grandson of SGS #2363 – Thomas Robert; Tallman Artolman; Martin (#2363); David Damon (#854); Ephraim; Ephraim John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]