Vera Seeley


The many friends of Miss Vera Seeley were shocked to learn of her death, which occurred about noon Friday at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital, Elmira, where she underwent a serious operation three weeks previous. She seemed to be making a satisfactory recovery from the operation for over a week, when complications set in and she gradually grew worse. Friday morning a blood transfusion was resorted to, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lewis Seeley, of Rutland supplying the blood, but this failed to save her.

Miss Seeley was the daughter of Judd and Bess Van Ness Seeley and born thirty-nine years ago in Rutland, where she made her home until a few years ago, when the family moved to Mansfield. In her contact with people she made a host of friends and as a friend she was true and loyal. That she made many friends was evidenced by the large number of letters and cards sent her during her illness and by the beautiful floral tributes at the funeral. She accepted Christ several years ago and in her dealings with others applied the Golden Rule.

She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Bessie Seeley and two brothers, Lewis, of Rutland, and Carl, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Also nieces and nephews.

The funeral, which was largely attended, was held at the home Monday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Orey Crippen, of Tioga, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Douglas Baylis, pastor of the Mansfield Methodist Church; interment in Prospect Cemetery.

December 18, 1929 handwritten on newspaper clipping.