Wilbur Paul Seeley was the youngest son of Horace and Martha Seeley. He was born in Correctionville August 11, 1896. On Sunday, February 7th, 1916, he was taken ill of pneumonia. After several weeks he was removed to the St. Vincent Hospital in Sioux City, where he was compelled finally to undergo an operation for abscess of the lung. Sunday evening, March 26, 1916, word came to his anxious relatives and friends that the best medical skill was in vain, and Wilbur had answered the final summons, at the age of 19 years, 7 months and 15 days. Funeral services were held in the M.E. church Wednesday morning, conducted by Rev. Masters. The students from the high school attended in a body. Interment was made in the Correctionville Cemetery. Besides the parents he is survived by three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Ida Higley of Bronson, Mrs. Josey Bryson of Pisgah, Mrs. Jennie Stebbins of Correctionville, Albert of Sioux City and Charles of Correctionville. He had attended the local public school as far as the sophomore year in high school. He was a probationary member of the M.E. church and died as a Christian.
Published in The Correctionville News, March 31, 1916, page 1
[Grandson of SGS # 2661 - Wilbur Paul, Horace J.; Horace Gibbs (#2661); Jeduthan/Juduthen (# 975); Ebenezer, David; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]