Death of Willard H. Seeley
Willard H. Seeley, a brother of C.A. Seeley, of this city, died at his home four miles south of Alden Sunday morning at about 1 o’clock. Mr. Seeley had been around …illegible .. and on retiring Saturday night was found to be in unusually good spirits. ..illegible … Sunday morning Mrs. Seeley awoke and noticed that her husband was breathing heavily, and despite her efforts to relieve him he died within a few minutes. This is the third death in the Seeley family since February, his father and mother having died but a few months apart. Besides the widow, two sons and two daughter and two brothers and one sister are left to mourn his death. The funeral held at Alden Tuesday under charge of the local lodge of Odd Fellows.
Published in the Webster City Tribune, October 26, 1900 page 9