William A. Seeley

Swayzee, Ind., - William A. Seeley, 85, former Liberty Township public official, died today at his farm home in Liberty township after a short illness. He had been ill for two months, but his condition was not considered serious until two weeks ago.

Mr. Seeley had served one term as Liberty township trustee and one term as township assessor. Born in Franklin county, he moved to Grant County while a small boy, and had resided six miles southeast of here since arriving in the county.

He was a member of Jones Chapel Christian church, and was affiliated with the Hackleman IOOF lodge and the Marion IOOF encampment.

Survivors include the widow, Nora; one daughter, Mrs. Robert Stookey, Liberty township; one son, Herman Seeley, of Green township; four granddaughters and one great-granddaughter.

The body was taken to the Swayzee funeral home, where it will remain until funeral arrangements have been completed.

Published in the Marion Chronicle, September 24, 1948