Former General Freight and Passenger Agent of Central New England Railroad Succumbs to Heart Trouble
The body of William H. Seeley, who died in Danbury, Conn., on Friday morning at 7 o'clock was brought to Evergreen cemetery, Pine Plains, for interment on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Seeley, former general freight and passenger agent of the Central New England railroad, spent his boyhood years in Pine Plains, where he leaves relatives and also numerous friends.
He was born at Washington Hollow 63 years ago, the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Seeley. The family moved to Pine Plains when he was a boy and he was brought up here. He commenced his long and varied career in railroad service by taking a position as a telegraph operator under his father on the Newburgh, Dutchess and Connecticut line, a branch of which went through Pine Plains. He worked himself up to the position of general freight and passenger agent of the Central New England lines, the successor to the old Newburgh, Dutchess and Connecticut. When the New York, New Haven and Hartford absorbed the Central New England, he held that position and then organized the Industrial Bureau for that line, having an office in Boston. After ten years there, he was transferred to Danbury as chief clerk of the accounting division. He continued in that capacity until a year ago, when he was retired from service. His death was caused by heart trouble.
Mr. Seeley was married twice, his first wife being Phoebe Massey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Massey of Pine Plains. She was killed in 1914 in a railroad accident. His second wife was May Massey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Massey of Danbury. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary M. Seeley of Pine Plains; two sisters, Mrs. Harry Rudd of Pine Plains and Mrs. Joseph D. Wear of Poughkeepsie; two brothers, Nelson Seeley of Northampton, N. H. and Herbert N. of. Brooklyn; a son by his first wife, James Seeley of Baltimore, Md.; another son, William, and two daughters, Mary and Ruth, all of Danbury.
Funeral services were conducted at Danbury on Monday morning at 11 o'clock at the late home, by Rev. Mr. Lewis, pastor of the Baptist church, of which Mr. Seeley was a member.
Mr. Seeley was a member of Hartford Lodge of Masons and was also a Knight Templar. He was a very capable man with a pleasant personality and his loss is mourned by all who knew him.
Published in the Pine Plains Register-Herald, Thursday, April 23, 1931, front page