Seeley murder victim
The city’s fifth murder of the year occurred Monday evening when Allen Marrell Seeley, 36, 309 SW 5th St., was shot once in the back of the head at a site south of the Florence Hill community where he had gone with a couple to work on a well.
Police said Seeley was with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin, 122 NE 11th St., on Martin’s property on Wagner Road about 200 years west of Beltline Road. They had returned to the site to work on a well they had been digging. They had arrived at the site about 5:45 p.m. and had been there about five minutes when the incident occurred.
Detectives said Martin told them that Seeley was standing by the well, Mrs. Martin was standing by their truck, facing the victim, and Martin was by the truck getting a flashlight to look down the well. Martin and his wife said they heard a noise, not very loud, and Mrs. Martin said she saw the victim fall and saw blood on the front of his shirt.
Officers continued that Mrs. Martin screamed and told her husband, who was looking away, that Seeley had been shot. Mrs. Martin heard a noise in the brush and looked to see a suspect running away, investigators said Martin ran to a dairy nearby and got the people to call the police.
Officers said when they arrived, Seeley was lying by the well and appeared to be dead, apparently from a small caliber wound. He was pronounced dead on arrival at Parkland Memorial Hospital. An autopsy was to be performed this morning.
Police worked on the case at the scene and at the station until 3 a.m. and were back at the scene at 6 a.m. searching for evidence.
Published in the Grand Prairie Daily News, November 3, 1970 front page

Police seek suspect connected with shooting
Police today were “trying to check out information” which they indicated might provide them with leads to the killer of Allen Marrell Seeley, 36 shot once in the back of the head about 6 p.m. Monday at a site south of the Florence Hill community where he had gone to help dig a well.
Seeley had gone to the site with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin, 122 NE 11th St. Martin owned the property where the well was being dug on Wagner Road about 200 yards west of S. Beltline Road. Officers said Seeley also was an employe at a company Martin owns, Grand Prairie Neon and Refrigeration Service Co.
The shooting reportedly occurred about five minutes after the trio arrived at the property.
Detectives said following their investigation Tuesday that it appears the killer was waiting at the site under cover of some heavy brush when the three drove up. One detective said it is believed Seeley was shot from a distance of 10 to 15 feet with a .22-caliber weapon, probably a rifle.
Immediately after hearing the shot, Mrs. Martin reportedly heard a noise in the brush and looked to see a suspect running away. The suspect was described as about 5 feet and 8 inches tall, of medium build, with dark hair, wearing a gray jacket and dark pants.
The Martin couple then ran to a nearby dairy to get people to call the police. Seeley was pronounced dead on arrival at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas.
A full autopsy report was expected this morning, as were the results of some crime laboratory tests.
Seely, divorced, had been living with a roommate at the Driftwood Apartments, 309 SW 5th St., for more than a year, according to the apartment manager, Ed A. Falkner. Falkner described the victim as “a mighty nice guy” and said he last saw him about 30 minutes before the reported time of the shooting.
Falkner said he thought Seeley had been to the well site at least twice previously.
Published in the Grand Prairie Daily News November 4, 1970 front page