Mrs. Almira Seeley
Funeral of Mrs. Almira Seeley was held Thursday afternoon from Joldersma and Gilman’s chapel. The body was sent to Elmira, Mich., for burial Friday morning. Mrs. Smith, (sic) whose age was 66, died last Tuesday afternoon at her home, 126 North Rose street. Mrs. Seeley leaves her husband, Reuben Seeley, three daughters, Mrs. Minnie Owen of Steveville, Can., Mrs. Mary Warwick of Snoqualmie, Wash., and Mrs. Sarah Madison of this city, a son, Homer Eldridge of Eckford, and 12 grandchildren, also four stepdaughters, Mrs. Ethel Lyon of Neely, Mich., Mrs. Cora Adams of Grand Rapids, Mrs. Edith Market of Kalamazoo and Mrs. Lilly York of Lynn, Ill., and two stepsons, Ansel Seeley of Detroit and Albert Seeley of Midland. Friends from out of the city who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Riley of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Seeley of Hastings.
Published in the Kalamazoo Gazette, August 11, 1918 page 20
[Second wife of son of SGS # 2496 – Reuben; Ansel (# 2496); Justus (# 914); David; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]