Death of a Commissioner to the General Assembly.
The Rev. Anson H. Seeley of Esperance, N.Y., died at his residence on the morning of the 21st. He had been chosen one of the commissioners of Albany Presbytery to the General Assembly at Detroit. His poor health accounts for the attendance of Rev. G. Alexander, his alternate.
Published in the New York Evangelist, May 30, 1872, page 4
Mr. Seeley was a native of Ballston, Saratoga county, N.Y. He graduated at Union College in 1853, and at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1857. He was ordained as an evangelist by the Presbytery of Albany, July 6, 1858, from which time he faithfully and laboriously served the united churches of Carlisle and Esperance, until laid aside by sickness, which terminated his death May 21st , 1872 aged 46 years.
At the last stated meeting of the Presbytery of Albany he was appointed a commissioner to the General Assembly, but instead of attending this earthy court, the Lord was pleased, during its sessions, to take him up higher. By his translation Presbytery feel that they have lost a faithful presbyter, a wise counselor, a laborious minister, and a warm hearted brother.
In view of this bereavement we would humbly bow at the feet of the Divine Wisdom which doeth all things well, and heed the voice of Him who says Work while it is day. Presbytery also tender their sympathy to the family of the deceased, commending them to the care of a covenant keeping God, who is the trust of the widow and the keeper of the fatherless.
Nor will we be unmindful of the churches deeply feeling the loss of one whose whole ministerial life, fourteen years, has been spent among them.
The above is a true extract from the minutes of the Presbytery of Albany.
J.N. CROCKER, Stated Clerk
Published in the New York Evangelist, June 20, 1872, page 3
[Grandson of Nathaniel Freeman SGS # 1904 Anson Henry; Anson; Nathaniel Freeman (#1904); Nathaniel (#601); Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]