Hurled Between Cars When Train Parts
Paterson, N.J., June 2 – Benjamin M. Seeley, of Boontoon avenue, Butler, a trainman on the Susquehanna Railroad, was killed Monday night at Homestead, when the milk train on which he was working separated and he fell between the cars. His body, badly mangled, was found at 9:30 o’clock, on the tracks.
Seeley, who was 56 years of age, and who has been on the Susquehanna for 35 years, has been working on the milk train for some time, leaving Butler early in the evening and proceeding to Jersey City. He left home Monday night in the best of health. Tuesday morning his wife collapsed when she received a telegram announcing his death, and it was necessary, to call in Dr. Massenger, of Butler, to attend her.
Published in the Middletown Daily Times-Press, Wednesday, June 2, 1915, page 7