Blodwin Williams Seeley
(Special to The Post-Register)
Seeley Services Set Wednesday
CHESTER – March 10 – Mrs. Blodwin Williams Seeley, 65, long-time Fremont County resident, died Sunday at 3:30 a.m. at a St. Anthony hospital, following a stroke suffered Saturday. She was the wife of J.H. Seeley and had been in ill health for two years.
Mrs. Seeley was born at Benson, Cache County, Utah. July 2, 1893, a daughter of Noah and Elizo Munk Williams. When she was a year old the parents with other members of the family moved to Idaho settling at Chester where her parents homesteaded. She grew to womanhood there and also received her education at Chester.
She was married to J.H. Seeley at St. Anthony, Jan. 26, 1914, and their marriage was later solemnized in the Manti LDS Temple. They continued to live at Chester until 1918 when they moved to the Uintah Basin in Utah and lived there until 1938 returning to Chester where they have since lived.
Mrs. Seeley was an active member of the LDS Church having served in the presidency of the Relief Society, Young Ladies; Mutual Assn, and also in the Primary. At the time of her first stroke she was the teacher topic leader of the Relief Society.
There were 10 children born to this union, seven of whom with their father survive. They are Mont. Seeley and Mrs. Wilma Owen, Idaho Falls; Elmo Seeley, Max Seeley, Lloyd Seeley, all of Chester; Mrs. Beth Hathaway, St. Anthony; and Duane Seely, Burley. There are also 16 grandchildren and the following brothers and sisters surviving: Mrs. Nan Kirkham, Ashton; Trevor Williams, Cromwell Williams, Irving Williams, Mrs. Margaret Potter and Mrs. Elva Wotrell all of Chester, and Mrs. Gwenneth Angell, Parker.
Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the Chester LDS Ward Chapel with Reed Winters, a member of the Chester LDS Ward bishopric, officiating. Friends may call at the Hansen Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon and evening and until Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. at the place of services from Tuesday noon until service time.
Interment will be in the Chester Cemetery under the direction of the Hansen Funeral Home of St. Anthony.
Published in The Post-Register (Idaho Falls, Idaho), March 10, 1959, Page 13
Blodwen Seeley
St. Anthony, March 13. – Funeral services for Blowden Williams Seeley, who died March 8, were held Wednesday in the Chester LDS Ward Chapel with Reed Winters officiating.
Services included family prayer, Gomer Williams; song, Relief Society Singing Mothers; invocation, Earl J. Potter; obituary, Margaret Mosier; speaker, A.E. Archibald; song, Dora Hardy; speaker, Bishop M. Elmo Seeley; song, Relief Society Singin Mothers; benediction, Mervin Howard; prelude and postlude, Donna Blanchard; dedicatory prayer, Cromwell Williams.
Pallbearers were K. Kirkham, Blaine Howard, Harvey Williams, Ken Collett, Travis Potter and Boyd Williams. Flowers were under direction of the Chester Ward Relief Society presidency, Mesdames Rhoda Potter, Clara Blanchard and Leda Howard.
Interment was in the Chester Cemetery under direction of Hansen Funeral Home.
Published in The Post-Register (Idaho Falls, Idaho), March 13, 1959, Page 8
[Wife of Joseph Hyrum, grandson of William Stuart SGS # 2336 – Joseph Hyrum; Joseph Nephi; William Stewart (# 2336); Justus Azel (#836); Justus William; Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel, Robert]