By United Press International – Dead of a heart attack while hunting is Calvin L. Seeley, 42, an employe of an oil company at Billings.
Seeley was with his brother, Frank, of Utica, and Kenny Twiford on horseback 7,800 feet us in the mountains when he suffered the attack and fell from his horse.
His companions built a fire and covered him with saddle blankets against the cold and 2 – 3 inches of snow on the ground. Twiford returned to the Trask Ranch where they had rented horses and returned with Bill and Fritz Trask.
The party improvised a stretcher and carried the stricken man 1 ˝ miles which involved a drop in elevation of 2,800 feet. From there he was taken by four-wheel drive and station wagon vehicles to the hospital where he died.
Frank Seeley said he knew his brother had a heart condition and would not have gone hunting except his brother told him he had had a complete checkup Saturday and was in good health.
Seeley, a native of Hinsdale, had been employed by the Humble Oil Co. 15 years. He is survived by his widow and three daughters.
Funeral services are tentatively set for Thursday in Billings.
Published in The Daily Inter Lake, Wednesday, November 13, 1963 front page

C.L. Seeley, 42, Of Billings, Dies
LEWISTOWN – Calvin Lowe Seeley, 42, Billings resident, died Monday morning at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Lewistown following a short illness.
Mr. Seeley was born March 20, 1921. in Hinsdale, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeley. He married Carol Cooley June 30, 1948 in Billings. He had lived in Billings for the past 15 years working as a refinery operator.
He was a member of the Grace Methodist Church, Musselshell Masonic Lodge, American Legion and Lake Hills Golf Club.
Surviving are his widow of 1924 Miles Ave., Billings; a son, Darryl; three daughters, Jan, Joni and Carol Lynn, all of the family home, his mother, Mrs. Alma Seeley of Monterey, Calif.; a brother, Frank Seeley of Utica; two sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Forstrom, Roundup, and Mrs. Madge Warren of Seattle, Wash.
The body is at the Creel-Newton-Retz Funeral Home.
Dahl-Brown Funeral Chapel is in charge of Billings arrangements.
Published in the Billings Gazette, Tuesday November 12, 1963, page 6