Crash Injury Proves Fatal
Motorcyclist Succumbs In Hurley Hospital
Carlos James Seeley, 25, of 1426 Oak St., died in Hurley Hospital at 3 am today of injuries received just before midnight Thursday when his motorcycle and an automobile collided at E. Court St. and Dort Hwy. A passenger in the car also was injured.
Police said Clifford N. Spauling, 1064 Lafayette St., was driving on Dort and turned onto Court. Seeley was driving behind Spaulding and struck the car in the side.
Francis Goodall, 27, of 1254 Forest Ave., a passenger with Spaulding was taken to Hurley Hospital with a possible skull fracture. Seeley was the 12th person to die in City traffic this year.
Published in The Flint Journal on July 18, 1947

Seeley - Carlos James Seeley, 1426 Oak St., age 25, died July 18, 1947, at Hurley Hospital. Funeral services will be held at 10 am Monday, July 21, 1947, from Groves & Co. Funeral Home, Saginaw at Fifth Ave., Rev. Carl Buerkle officiating. Burial in Smith Hill Cemetery. Remains will be at residence of brother, Paul Seeley, 1426 Oak St., until 6 pm Sunday, then taken to Groves & Co. Funeral Home, Saginaw at Fifth Ave., until time of services. Death was caused by accident. He was born May 21, 1922; spent entire life in Flint; was a roofing applicator. Surviving are: 3 sisters, Mrs. Henry Drake of Lakeland, Mich., Mrs. H.R. Craig of Norwayne, Mich., and Mrs. Clifford Cuty of Flint; 2 brothers, Paul of Flint and Robert of Lakeland, Mich.; nieces and nephews.
Published in The Flint Journal on July 18, 1947
[Great-great-grandson of SGS #1975 – Carlos James; Perry Fernando; Eugene M.; Judson; Stephen J. (#1975); Stephen; Hezekiah; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]