Charles B. Seeley, Coudersport, Dies; Rites Tomorrow
COUDERSPORT (Special) – Funeral services will be conducted here at 1 p.m. tomorrow for Charles B. Seeley of this place who died at his home Monday after an illness of two years.
A native of West Union, N.Y., Mr. Seeley was born on May 31, 1882, and was married to Bertha Eva Allena on July 4, 1905, at Troupsburg. He had lived here for 20 years after moving from Brookfield.
Survivors, in addition to his wife, include 10 children, Lester, Reed, and Leon Seeley and Mrs. Reva Perigo, all of Corning, N.Y., Hugh Seeley, Elkland, Mrs. Altha Lewis, Troupsburg, Mrs. Dorothy Black, Mrs. Ella Meacham and Earl Seeley, Coudersport, and Mrs. Bernice Woodworth, Cambridge, Mass.; 28 grandchildren and three sisters and three brothers.
The Rev. Bruce Stearns, pastor of the Coudersport Methodist Church, will officiate at tomorrow’s rites and burial will be in Brookfield.
Published in the Bradford Era, (Bradford, PA) September 26, 1956
[Grandson of SGS # 2565 - Charles Bernard; Samuel Matthew; Samuel Conant (#2565); Eleazer (#924); Ebenezer, Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]