Charles Seeley of Near Otisville, Sick Deeply in Debt and Utterly Discouraged. Ends Life’s Troubles by Hanging Himself in His Father’s Barn
The body of Charles Seeley, who lived on his father’s farm near White Bridge, this side of Otisville, was found, about 4:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon, handing dead in the barn on the homestead farm, the Thaddeus Seeley place, in the town of Greenville. The discovery was made by Milton Seeley, the brother of the suicide, who occupies the farm.
Charles Seeley had been in poor health for two months. He was very much depressed and greatly worried by financial difficulties of various kinds, for he was hopelessly in debt and creditors were pressing him hard. He went to New Jersey, a week ago Saturday, as was supposed to escape the service of papers in suits that were being brought against him.
No one saw him about the homestead farm, Sunday, and when Milton Seeley came upon the body he was naturally greatly started and very much shocked.
The body was still warm when found. It was suspended by a rope from the rafters and the neck was broken, thus making it seem more than likely that after fastening the rope to the rafter and about his neck, he jumped from one of the firths or cross timbers of the barn. The face was not distorted, but wore a natural expression.
Friends of the family say that they are not surprised by the news of the suicide. Seeley talked and acted like a desperate man over a week ago, and even bade some of his relatives good-bye, saying that they would never again see him alive.
The deceased was about forty-five years old. He leaves a widow but no children. He is also survived by his father, by two brothers, Milton and John, who live near Guymard, and by a sister, Mrs. Elston, who lives near Unionville.
Coroner Decker went to the scene this afternoon.
Published in the Middletown Daily Argus (Middletown, NY), October 4, 1897, page 4