Charles Seeley, aged 45 years, and J.A. Howland, also aged 45, prosperous farmers of Geneva, Crawford county, were struck by the Erie flyer at a street crossing in Meadville Saturday morning and instantly killed. The horses were ground to pieces under the train. Both men leave families.
Published in the Titusville Herald, January 7, 1901

Among the cases continued in the court of common pleas was that of Sarah A. Seeley vs. the Erie Railroad company. Mrs. Seeley’s husband, Charles Seeley, a Greenwood township farmer, was struck by a train and killed at the Morer street crossing in this city on the morning on Jan. 5, 1901. The widow sues for damages in the sum of $15,000. The case will be called Monday, Oct. 27.
Published in the Titusville Herald, October 14, 1902