Mrs. Eugene Seeley died at her home in Iowa Falls, Friday morning, after a long illness. The most of her life had been spent in this county, the family living on a farm south of Alden for many years. A few years ago they moved to Iowa Falls to make their home. She has been in very poor health for a long time and her death was not unforeseen. The funeral was held Sunday.
Published in the Alden Times, (Alden, IA) August 9, 1912 page 8

Mrs. E.E. Seeley
Last week’s papers in giving the obituary notices of Mrs. E.E. Seeley, omitted some of the facts regarding her life and we would like to add the following to what has previously been published concerning her life.
Mrs. Seeley was a member of the Methodist church, was the last Past Noble of the Rebeckah lodge of Iowa Falls, a member of the Women’s relief Corpse and carried insurance in the Fraternal Bankers Reserve Society. She was well like as was shown by the floral offerings at the funeral which were numerous and very beautiful.
Friends from Eldora, Hubbard, Buckeye and Alden, besides all of her brothers and sisters attended the funeral.
Published in the Alden Times, (Alden, IA) August 16, 1912 front page