Former Resident Succumbs At Home
D.B. Seeley Was member of First Graduating Class Local High School
DULUTH, Minn., Jan. 28. – David Brown Seeley, former resident of Ludington, aged 70, died at his home in Duluth, Minn., Jan. 15.
Mr. Seeley was born in Flint, Mich., June 14, 1859. He came to Ludington from Clio, Mich., with his parents in 1873 as a boy of 14 and finished his education in the Ludington schools, being a member of the first graduating class of Ludington high school.
His early manhood was spent in Ludington where in 1883 he married Miss Ida Rezeau Packard, who survives him.
His first employment was as “printer’s devil” with the old Ludington Appeal. He was employed in the post office and as tally keeper for the Pere Marquette Lumber company for a time. He was the bookkeeper in O.N. Taylor’s lumber mill, leaving the mill to go to Pere Marquette Lumber company where he remained until the company went out of existence in 1898.
In 1901 Mr. Seeley went to Duluth for the Duluth Street Car company as assistant cashier being with them at the time of his death.
Mr. Seeley had been a semi-invalid over 15 years but death was hastened by an attack of influenza a year ago from which he never fully recovered.
Besides his widow, he is survived by six children and 20 grandchildren. Sons and daughters are Harrison D. Seeley of Superior, Wis.; Mrs. C.A. Warren, Mrs. J. D. Mackey and Mrs. A.V. Bush of Duluth; Mrs. L.J. Bouchard and Brian D. Seeley of Grand Rapids. A daughter, Nellie, died in infancy.
The funeral took place at Grady’s mortuary and the service was conducted by Rev. Wyand, of Lester Park Methodist church of Duluth.
Published in the Ludington Daily News, January 28, 1930, front page and page 3
[Grandson of SGS#1975 – David Brown; Mark D.; Stephen J. (#1975); Stephen; Hezekiah; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]