South Florida entertainer David ''Buddy'' Seeley has died after a two-year battle with lung cancer.
Mr. Seeley, of North Lauderdale, a country music singer, guitarist and banjo player, died on Sunday.
He helped other musicians get started in the business and most recently was the southeast talent coordinator for the Nashville East Recording Studio in Tennessee.
''He had a lot of friends in the area,'' said Debbie Marshall, a bartender at the Plantation Inn, where Seeley last performed in 1988. The lounge, at 375 State Road 7, has sponsored three fundraisers to help the family with medical and daily expenses.
A final fundraiser and tribute to Seeley will be held on Sunday from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. Eight bands are expected to perform.
''All of his old friends are going to sing and we're going to give a percentage of the sales to his family,'' Marshall said.
Mr. Seeley is survived by his wife, Linda, daughter Christina Seeley of Minnesota and son, David Seeley, also of Minnesota.
Seeley will be cremated at the Kraeer Margate Funeral Home. No services are scheduled.
Published in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) - December 11, 1990, Broward Edition, page 7B