Mrs. Seeley Dies at Home of Her Daughter
Dora May Seeley, 81, widow of Wesley Seeley, died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. P. F. Plue, 255 Grace street, following a lingering illness.
She was born July 4, 1865, at Clarksfield, Huron county, and spent the greater part of her life in that vicinity. She came to Mansfield six months ago to make her home with her daughter. She was a member of the Church of Christ at Norwalk.
Surviving are two sons, Orville J. of Wellington and Walter E. of Cleveland: two daughters, Mrs. Plue of Mansfield and Mrs. Frank Jones of Pemberville: 13 grandchildren: 15 great-grandchildren: one brother, Manley Webb of Toledo, and a sister, Mrs. Edith Mitchner of North Baltimore.
The body was removed to the Wappner funeral home where services will be held Saturday at 1 p.m. in charge of Rev. Ben F. Hagelharger, pastor of the First Christian church. Burial will be in the Fort Meigs cemetery at Perrysburg, Ohio.
Published in the Mansfield News Journal, Thursday August 29, 1946 page 13
[Wife of Great-Grandson of SGS #1933 - Wesley A.; George Delwin; Jessie; David (#1993); Jessie (#620); Samuel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]