Douglas Michael Seeley, 48, Victor, died July 3, at Rochester General Hospital, Rochester. He died from rapidly progressing pneumonia two hours after admittance to the hospital. Results of an autopsy are pending.
Mr. Seeley was purchasing agent for Eber Brothers Wine and Liquor Distributors, based in Ogden. He was a member of the Rochester Methodist Church, where he was a soloist in the choir. An avid singer, he was also a member of the Rochester Oratorical Society.
While in school, Mr. Seeley participated in golf and hockey.
Born June 2, 1950, at Alexandria Bay, a son of James and Carlene Best Seeley he graduated from Alexandria Central School in 1968. He graduated from Jefferson Community college in 1970. A marriage to Bethany Eckert ended in divorce.
Surviving besides his parents, now of Cape Coral, Fla., and Alexandria Bay, are two daughters, Meredith, Great Lakes, Ill., and Amanda, Victor; a son, Bryan, Honeoye Falls; a companion Barbara Shannon, East Rochester and an aunt.
The funeral was Tuesday at the Harloff Cotton Funeral Home, Victor. There will be a memorial service at 2 p.m. Friday at the Alexandria Bay Reformed Church of the Thousand Isles with the Jeffrey A. Neevel pastor, officiating. The body was cremated.
Donations may be made to the memorial fund of Hosanna Junction, P.O. Box 407, East Rochester, N.Y. 14445, or to the Arthritis Foundation.
Published in the Watertown Daily Times (NY) - July 15, 1998, Page: 29