Edgar Seeley Pass(ed) Away Friday Morning
Mr. Seeley Had Been Ill for Fifteen Months and the Cause of Death was a Disease of the Nerves
After about fifteen months of terrible suffering, death finally brought relief to Edgar H. Seeley, aged 59 years, a native and life-long resident of Massillon, whose illness began with what was thought to be muscular rheumatism. The immediate cause of his death, which occurred at exactly five minutes of one o’clock, Friday morning, was multiple neuritis, a disease of the nerves.
Previous to his sickness Mr. Seeley was baggage master at the Pennsylvania railway station, and while serving in that capacity won the respect and friendship of his associates, and the general public as well, by the faithful performance of the duties of his position and his readiness to befriend those in need. He was born in Kendal, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. David B. Seeley, both of whom are now dead. Two brothers, Fordyce and Harry, reside in Massillon, and a third Edwin P. Seeley, is a citizen of Canton.
Mr. Seeley was married in 1864 to Matilda Panyard. Some years after her death he married again, wedding Evanna Minnich, who survives him. He leaves seven children, including Mrs. George Gerber, Mrs. George Hoffman and Irene Seeley, of this city, Mrs. Alice Mohler and Charles Seeley, of Marion, Ind., and Mrs. Frederick Orr and Edward Seeley, of Cleveland. The deceased was a veteran of the late war, and was a member of several lodges and societies.
A few months ago Mr. Seeley visited the institution of Dr. Dowie in Chicago remaining there for some time, praying constantly for restoration to health. Upon his return to Massillon there appeared to be a slight change for the better, but afterwards he became worse and continued to sink gradually until the end came.
Published in The Independent, (Massillon, Ohio), Monday March 25, 1898, front page
The will of Edgar Seeley, late of Massillon, has been filed for probate. To his wife, Evanna Seeley, the deceased bequeathed his entire estate, stating that he would gladly provide for his children also, had he the means. As Mrs. Seeley had take care of him during his prolonged illness, Mr. Seeley deemed it but just that she should be entitled to what remains of his estate after the debts and funeral expenses had been paid. The will was drawn by R.A. Pinn, March 5, 1898.
Published in The Independent, (Massillon, Ohio) April 14, 1898 page 3