Edward Seeley died Saturday afternoon at his home in Collins, aged 76 years and five months. The deceased was a brother of James Seeley, formerly a well known shoe merchant of Norwalk, and the father of J.W. Seeley, of Milan.
The funeral will be held from the Collins church, Tuesday morning at 10:30 o’clock.
Published in the Norwalk Daily Reflector, (Ohio) February 17, 1902 page 3

Once more the song of welcome has been sung by the angles of greeting at the gates of Paradise. This time it was to welcome the kind, cheerful spiritual soul of Brother Edward Seeley. At four o’clock on Saturday afternoon, February 15th, he heard the summons, “Come up higher,” his spirit left the weary body and he was at rest. His death was in keeping with his life. He gently and triumphantly passed away. He was always “in the spirit.” He has gone, but we know where.
Edward Seeley was born at Oxford, England, June 10th, 1825, and died at Collins, Ohio, February 15th, 1902, being 76 years, 8 months and 5 days old at the time of his death. He came to this country when he was 14 years old. He had been a resident of Huron county 36 years.
On September 5th, 1853, he was united in marriage to Martha J. Kennedy, at Hoboken, N.J.
Brother Seeley was received into the Methodist Episcopal church at East Townsend by Rev. D.R. Moore in October, 1873. The church was always a welcome place for him, bur for some time he had been deprived of the joy of attending the church he loved so much.
Mr. Seeley was a loving husband and father – the little children’s friend. During his sickness his devoted wife, with her Christian fortitude, was by his side, constantly to attend to his every need. During his lingering sickness our brother was patient, happy and faithful unto Him who had called him to glory and virtue. He leaves a wife and seven children. May the blessings of God be theirs in this hour of trial.
Published in the Norwalk Daily Reflector, (Ohio) on February 19, 1902 page 2