Edward S. Seeley Dies Unexpectedly
Funeral services will be conducted Monday for Edward Sherwood Seeley, 68, resident of 28 Virginia avenue, who died unexpectedly of a heart seizure at his home, yesterday afternoon.
Services will be conducted at the Willard C. Selfridge Funeral home, 3 Fairmont street, at 2 o’clock. Dr. Philip Allen Swartz, minister of the First Congregational church, will officiate. Burial will be in Poughkeepsie Rural cemetery.
A native of Middlebury, Vt., Mr. Seeley had made his home in this city for many years. For 35 years, he was employed in the maintenance department of Luckey, Platt and Co. Subsequently, he worked for the Frederick Hart Co. and since 1943, he was employed in the rubber plant of the DeLaval Separater Co. He had been on sick leave the last two months.
Mr. Seeley was a member of the First Congregational church and the Men’s club of the church. He was a member of Triune lodge, Free and Accepted Masons and of Trip-P-Bed Grotto. Services of Triune lodge will be conducted at the Funeral home at 7:30 o’clock tomorrow night.
The son of the late Charles and Ellen Piper Seeley, Mr. Seeley is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mabel Austin Seeley; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Fisher and Miss Delia Seeley, Ann Arbor, Mich, and nieces and nephews.
Published in the Poughkeepsie New Yorker, May 14, 1949 page 10

Edward Seeley Estate Set at $27,777
Edward S. Seeley, resident of this city who died May 13 left an estate appraised by William B. Duggan, State tax department attorney, at $27,777 net. A State tax was fixed at $32.67.
Mr. Seeley left the entire estate to his wife, Mrs. Mable K. Seeley of this city. David G. McCullough is attorney for the estate.
Published in the Poughkeepsie New Yorker, July 17, 1949 page 12
[Grandson of SGS # 2405 - Edward Sherwood; Charles Jonathan; John A. (2405); Jonathan (# 871); Jonathan; Ephraim; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]