SEELEY, Ernest H. – Services for Ernest H. Seeley of 99 Chestnut street were held Saturday afternoon from the Blood & Larson funeral home. Rev. Richard Firth officiated. Honorary bearers officials and employees of the Republic Light & Heat Co. were Mr. C.D. Lynburner, Mr. J.A. Richie, Mr. Friend Fair, Joseph Sweeny, William Stewart, Harry Blanchard, Albert Werle and Dr. E.C. Blom. Employees of the Gas company acted as casket bearers were Theron Lane, Joseph Tadt, Adelbert Reynolds, Edward James, Glen Kent, Leslie Palmer. Interment was in Forest Hill. The services were attended by relatives and friends from Bradford, Pa., Kane, Pa., Scheifield, Pa., Erie, Pa., Wesleyville, Pa., Clarion, Pa., Cleveland, O., Buffalo, Ellington, Forestville and Orchard Park.
Published in the Dunkirk Evening Observer (Dunkirk, NY), November 4, 1946, page 2