Again the Grim Reaper has come into our midst and taken another trusted friends and honored citizen, when early Sunday morning, Mr. E. Seeley passed away. While he has been in very poor health for some time, still it came as a shock to his friends, wife, relatives and many friends.
Erwin Seeley was born Feb. 18, 1841 at Gerard, Pa., and here he grew to manhood. He enlisted in the war of 1860 and served three months. Later he was married to Marie Morris on October 21, 1861 at Oxford, Ohio. To this union two children were born, William, who passed away in Minneapolis last June, and Harry of Hawkeye, Iowa.
In 1863 he enlisted in the Civil War and served seven years, going through the hardships to which soldiers in those days were accustomed. He attained the rank of First Lieutenant, and was a man beloved by all who served under him. In his early life, he became a member of the M.E. church and has always been a faithful member. He served as Superintendent and teacher in the M.E. Sunday School here for the last thirty years and that was his greatest trial when not able to go and take part.
The family came to this city to live in 1881 and since that time Mr. Seeley was employed by the C.M. and St. Paul Railway as a line repairer. His poor health and advanced age did not permit him to do active work for several years, but he was retained by the company. He was a man of exemplary mind and character and his thoughtful disposition and sympathetic nature showed him as a man of broad interests and most unselfish spirit. He was the youngest son of a family of six children and was the last surviving for some time. He often thought of this fact and compared himself to the poem “The Last Leaf”, by Oliver Wendell Holmes, which is as follows --- (Poem was printed in its entirety in the paper)
Funeral services were held at the M.E. church Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock. Rev. A.M. Jayne, Pastor of St. Paul’s M.E. Church of Cedar Rapids, spoke words of sympathy and consolation for he too, knew the deceased, to love him while serving as his pastor here several years ago. A choir, composed of Mrs. G.E. Leffingwell and Mrs. J.E. Davies and Messrs. E.A. Grimwood and F.H. Shimanek assisted by singing favorite songs.
Mr. Seeley was a member of the Knights of Pythias and Modern Woodmen lodges of this place, and they, with the American Legion, had charge of the funeral services at the grave, giving the last rites to brother, comrade and friend.
He leaves his grief-stricken wife, son Harry, of Hawkeye, and several grandchildren and great grandchildren, as well as many friends and associates to mourn the passing. To these the sympathy of the entire community is extended.
Undated obit from an unknown paper, donated to SGS by William Strathman
[SGS #2150 - Erwin (#2150) ; Austin H. (#742); Ajacks; Austin; Nehemiah; Robert; Nathaniel; Robert]