Eugene L. Seeley
Services for Eugene Lewis Seeley, 61, of Chester, former employe of the W.I. Tycer Pottery Company at Roseville, who died March 3, were held Sunday in the Westminster United Presbyterian Church at Chester with burial in a cemetery there.
Mr. Seeley was ceramic engineer for the Taylor, Smith and Taylor Company at the time of his death and had held the post for many years.
He was born Feb. 25, 1912 in Toledo, a son of Harold and Clara B. Junker Seeley and was a graduate of Iowa State University.
Surviving are his widow, Helen: three sons, Frederick and Stephen of Cuyahoga Falls and James of Martinsburg, W.Va.; a daughter, Mrs. David (Marsha) Nurmi of Weirton, W.Va., and three grandchildren.
Published in The Times Recorder, (Zanesville, Ohio) Wednesday March 14, 1973 page 6B