Services for Miss Eugenia Minerva Seeley, who passed away here Tuesday morning, were held this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock in the chapel of the Fitzgerald Mortuary, where Reverend O.W. Hearn officiated. Mrs. J.W. Muir and Mrs. Lisle Hosford sang two ducts, “O Love Divine” and “Whispering Hope.” The chapel was beautified by many floral tributes, a number of which were sent by her friends and associates in the public schools of Hagerman, New Mexico, where Miss Seeley was a former teacher. The profusion of flowers and the large number of friends in attendance at the services were an indication of the estimable position held by her in the community. A brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Seeley of Hope, New Mexico, were held for the services.
The following friends served as casket bearers, S.B. Gray, W.J. Bentley, Frank Shiverette, Earl Lewis, W.G. White and Fred Phillips.
Interment was beside her brother in the family plot in the Odd Fellow’s cemetery.
Published in the Las Vegas Daily Optic, (Las Vegas, NM) February 4, 1937 page 6
[Great-granddaughter of SGS # 2736 - Eugenia Minerva; Adrian Leartis; Loren L.; William Grey (# 2736); Loren (#1085); Benjamin; Benjamin; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]