SEELEY – MRS. EVELYN, age 64, of 528 E. 4th St., died Tuesday in a local hospital. She was the widow of Frank Elmer Seeley and was a member of the First Alliance Church. Surviving is a sister, Miss Mable Stewart of Chattanooga. The funeral will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday in the east chapel of the Chattanooga Funeral Home with the Rev. Bill Nabors officiating. Interment will be in Forest Hills Cemetery. Pallbearers will be J. Collins, R.J. Long, B.N. Smith, Ralph Humphreys, Eugene Morton, and C.H. Thurston Jr. The body is at the Chattanooga Funeral Home, east chapel.
Published in the Chattanooga Times Free Press, page 5, date of publishing unknown
[Wife of son of SGS # 2157g - Frank Elmer; Albert (# 2157g); Ira Orton (# 747) Ajax Tallman (#256); Austin; Nehemiah; Robert; Nathaniel; Robert]