Mrs. Clinton B. Seeley
Services for Mrs. Florence Tuttle Seeley, 89, wife of Clinton Barnum Seeley of Ingleside place, who died Sunday, will take place today at 2:30 p.m. in St. John’s Episcopal church with the Rev. J. Warren Hutchens, rector, officiating. Burial will be in Mountain Grove cemetery. The Wilmot, West and Goulding funeral home, 884 Lafayette street, is in charge of arrangements.
Published in The Bridgeport Post, November 12, 1957 page 59
Charities to Get Bequests Under Will of Mrs. Seeley
Mrs. Florence Tuttle Seeley, who died here Nov. 10 at the age of 89, left cash gifts of more than $120,000 to religious, charitable and educational institution in a will filed in the Bridgeport Probate court.
It was estimated unofficially that her estate is in excess of half a million dollars.
Mrs. Seeley is survived by her husband, Clinton Barnum Seeley, grandson of P.T. Barnum.
Trusts of $50,000 each are to be set up under the will for Florence Tuttle Seeley and Beverly Barnum Seeley, daughters of Herbert Barnum Seeley, of Bridgeport, Mr. Seeley’s nephew and David Seeley of Stamford, his grandnephew.
Other specific bequests include these:
Bridgeport hospital, $40,00 to its endowment fund, and $10,000 for endowing a free bed in memory of her son, Clinton Barnum Seeley.
Willie Lee Tuttle, of St. Louis, a cousin, $3,000.
Lydia Robie Jackson, of Winfield, Kansas, a cousin, $3,000.
Sidney Tuttle Bogardus, of New York city, a cousin, $1,000.
Egbert H. Borgardus, Jr., of New York city, cousin $1,000.
William W. Tuttle and Sidney Tuttle, both of Lucas, Kansas, cousins, each $3,000.
To Herbert Barnum Seeley is given real estate on the north side of “Ingleside,” including the gardens and garage, subject to her husband’s life use.
Her will provides that upon the death of Mr. Seeley, all her shares of common stock of the American Can company are to be divided into four equal parts with two parts to be given to Herbert Barnum Seely, one part to Lorraine Seeley Bell and one part to Nathaniel S. Seeley, both relatives.
Of the balance of the residue, upon her husband’s death, one-half is to be given to Egbert H. Bogardus, of Sharon, and one-half in trust of Mabel Bogardus, of Brookfield, both cousins.
The Bridgeport Post, Thursday, November 21, 1957, front page and page 25
[Wife of Grandson of George SGS # 2059 – Clinton Barnum; Nathan; George (#2059); Nathan (#640); Seth; Nathan; James; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]