Frankie Seeley, daughter of Leander Seeley, of Ausable Forks, died at her home on the 12th inst., after a long and painful struggle with that dread and ever fatal malady consumption. For over a year she has been ailing, but has borne her sufferings so bravely and with such Christian fortitude and reserved submission, that the real extent of her suffering has not been apparent to her most intimate friends, till the end. Frankie was an earnest faithful member of the Presbyterian church, of Peru. To her friends she was constant and true; as a sister, uncompromisingly devoted, and from her infancy her idol was “Mother.” Her every act was grounded on the rock Christ Jesus, and her daily prayer during the dark hours of pain and anguish, has been “Thy will be done.” Her beautiful life and Christian graces drew around her a large circle of friends, whose lives have been made better and brightened by her associations and example. Had she lived till the 26th inst., she would have been 19 years old. In the freshness of youth’s early sweetness, when nature’s beautiful flowers are just bursting forth in the midst of earth’s springtime verdure, she was tenderly consigned to rest in the beautiful cemetery at Black Brook
Published in The Plattsburgh Sentinel, (NY) May 26, 1893
[Daughter of SGS #2870 – Frances; Leander (#2870; Bradley Demington (#1144); Seth Clarke/Clark; Seth; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]