He Was a Brother of the Late Judge Seeley of Honesdale
A Washington (D.C.) exchange contains the following notice of the death of a brother of the late Judge Henry M. Seeley of Honesdale:
“Colonel Franklin A. Seeley died at his late residence, 619 Nineteenth street, northwest, last evening at 9:10 o’clock.
The immediate cause of his death was apoplexy, though he had been in bad health for some time. He was 61 years old and well known in this city. He served through the late war in the quartermaster’s department, and was a member of the Loyal legion. He was one of the guard of honor when the remains of President Garfield were lying in state. Since 1875 he has been connected with the patent office, and was at one time chief clerk, but of late years was examiner of trade marks. He was well known in scientific circles, being a member of the Anthropological Society. No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral.
Published in the Republican (Scranton, PA) February 11, 1895, from the State Library of Pennsylvania: Genealogy Collection Pennsylvania Scrap Book Necrology, Volume 12 page 139