F.L. Seeley, a Former Resident of This City, Dies at His Home in Bradford – The Remains to Be Brought to This City for Burial
A telegram was received in this city Thursday announcing the death of our former townsman Mr. Frederick L. Seeley, of Bradford. Deceased was well known in this city, he having resided here for some time previous to taking up his residence in Bradford. He was a graduate of Harvard, and after leaving that institution studied law and was admitted to the bar. He came to this city about twenty-seven years ago and became the legal representative of the Producers’ Torpedo company, and afterwards acted in the same capacity for the Roberts Torpedo company of this city, with whom he remained for some thirteen years. After leaving the Robert Torpedo company he moved to Meadville and established a law office in that city. He resided there about a year when he returned to this city. After practicing law here for some time he moved to Bradford, and became attorney for the High Explosive company, remaining in that capacity until the time of his death. Deceased was well read, a polished gentleman, shrewd lawyer and a credit to his profession. He had a large circle of friends in this city who will learn of his death with the most profound regret. At the time of his death deceased was in the 73rd year of his age. One son, Mr. Frederick Seeley, of Hume, N.Y., and Miss Fanny Seeley, a daughter (who was with him at the time of his death), and two sisters, one in New York and Mrs. W.W. Kingsland of this city, are left to mourn his loss. The remains will be brought to this city, and the funeral will take place Saturday at 1 o’clock p.m. The interment will be at Woodlawn, and the remains will be laid to rest alongside of his deceased wife, whose death occurred on Feb. 9 last.
Published in the Titusville Herald, April 21, 1893 page 4
[SGS # 3969 – Frederick Lorenzo; Frederick; Joseph; Eliphalet; Eliphalet; Jonas; Obadiah]