Rites Set Friday For Fred Seeley
Windfall, Jan. 2. – Fred “Bunk” Seeley, 65, of Windfall was found dead Wednesday morning at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Wayne Fisher, in Kokomo. Mr. Seeley had been ill with heart and kidney ailments for several months.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Windfall Baptist church with Rev. Alva Hewitt, pastor of the Church of the Brethren, in charge. Burial will be in the Windfall Brookside cemetery. The body was taken to the Rich funeral home in Kokomo where it will remain until time for the services.
Mr. Seeley was born at Windfall Sept. 26, 1882, to John and Nancy Seeley. In 1906 he married Jennie Hendricks of Windfall. She died 23 years ago. Mr. Seeley had lived practically all his life in Windfall and had attended the Baptist church. He retired from his occupation as a blacksmith about one year ago.
Survivors are five children, Mrs. Earl Sovern and Merl Seeley, both of Elwood; Mrs. Wayne Fisher, of Kokomo; Mrs. Nancy Smith, of Frankton, and Hubert Seeley, of Cicero; two sisters, Mrs. James Plummer, of Windfall, and Mrs. Clarence Horton, near Tipton; one brother, Walter Seeley, of Windfall, and 12 grandchildren.
Published in the Tipton Tribune, (Tipton, Indiana) Thursday January 2, 1947, front page