George A. Seeley Lived On Same Farm 88 Years
The farm where lived his entire life was the scene of funeral services Tuesday for George Alva Seeley, who died Saturday night, less than three months before he would have reached his eighty-eighth birthday.
He was born April 21, 1852, in a log cabin directly in front of the location of the present home on the same farm and he was reported to have been the oldest man in LaGrange Township. He was the youngest of seven children born to Alverius and Nancy Seeley.
He was married on March 19, 1878, to Miss Mary Chambers, of Eaton, who died April 13, 1931. They became the parents of seven children, all of whom are living.
With the exception of a year and a half in railroad work, Mr. Seeley was a farmer all his life on the farm where he was born and where he died. He continued his work on the farm until about five weeks before his death, when failing health forced him to quit.
He was a friend for many years of former Judge A.R. Webber, who paid a tribute to Mr. Seeley at the funeral services.
Surviving him are three daughters, Mrs. Edith Tran, of LaGrange; Mrs. Irene Mohler, of Carlisle, and Miss Nina Seeley, at home; four sons, Byron, of LaGrange; Charles of Sandusky, Horace of Elyria, and Jesse, at home; and 12 grandchildren, two nephews and two nieces.
Published in the Chronicle Telegram, February 1, 1940 page 2

GRAFTON – Jan. 29 – Alva Seeley, 87, died at his home one mile west of here Saturday evening at 8:30 after a lingering illness.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Fred Tran of LaGrange, Mrs. John Mohler of Grafton and Miss Nina Seeley of Grafton; four sons, Byron Seeley of Grafton, Charles of Sandusky, Horace of Elyria and Jesse of Grafton; and twelve grandchildren.
The body was taken from the Russell B. Felton Funeral Home to his late home where friends may call.
Funeral services will be held from his home Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. with the Rev. R.E. Mott officiating. Burial will be made in Butternut Ridge cemetery.
Published in the Chronicle Telegram, (Elyria, Ohio) Monday January 29, 1940 page 2