Miss Seeley, Author, Dies
Word has been received from Ithaca of the death in Tompkins County Hospital yesterday of Miss Grace A. Seeley, 66, author and former head resident of Sage College, Cornell University.
Miss Seeley, ill a year, passed the last winter in New York City, registered in Hotel St. Regis. She returned to her Ithaca apartment April 1. Surviving are two brothers, Charles A. Seeley and Hart I. Seely.
Miss Seeley had traveled widely here and abroad. She came to Syracuse frequently, was entertained in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Carlton F. Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Strong White in Fayetteville.
Under the pen name of Grace Hart Seeley she published in 1928 “Memoirs of La Grand Mademoiselle, Duchesse de Mont. Pensier,” and in 1936 “Dianne the Huntress: The Life and Times of Diane de Poitners.”
Miss Seeley was born in Spencer. She was graduated from Cornell University in 1904 and did graduate work there from 1908 to 1910, then taught French at National Park Seminary, Forest Glen, Md., for three years. During World War I she served with the American Red Cross. She was head resident of Sage, then a women’s dormitory, from 1919 to 1941. She was a member of Alpha Phi Sorority.
Published in the Syracuse Herald Journal, May 25, 1948, page 14
[Grand-daughter of SGS # 2454 - Grace A.; Samuel Alfred; Seymour Alvord (#2454); Zadock (#905); Zadoc; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]